Happy New Year!!

Get your peanuts out!! We are celebrating our 7 and up Pup Club program with 7 reasons why orthodontists want to see you at age 7! Did you know that orthodontic residency takes 3 years after dental school and mostly includes growth and development of the face and teeth!?

Invisalign, Clear Aligners, Braces for teens

Reason 1 (1st inning): By age 7, most children have their first molars and front teeth in and all of their remaining permanent teeth are developing. The space between the front teeth and molars does not grow. Growth happens behind the first molars. In this picture example above, the extra tooth is not letting the front tooth come in. Orthodontic evaluation is needed with special x-ray imaging to identify the issue. If identified early, this can be resolved with a great outcome! If not identified early, it may result in tooth loss and surgical procedures. A board certified orthodontist will be able to quickly identify these missing or extra teeth! Getting your child seen by a board certified orthodontist early will ensure any issues or future issues can be addressed and corrected during this crucial growth period.

During your complimentary consultation, if your child is not ready for orthodontic work, you can enroll them into our wonderful no-cost Pup Club program to be evaluated until they are ready for treatment. Its a win-win situation!

And don’t forget to guess the amount of peanuts in the office jar for your chance to win tickets to see the Texas Rangers!

A winner will be announced after our 7th inning stretch in March!!

Braces, Invisalign, Smile, Doctor, ABO Certified